Monday, July 6, 2009

What answers would help you most?

If a genie were to offer you three wishes and grant them, you would take a moment to reflect on the things that you would wish for, not wanting to waste the opportunity. Unlike the genie, I can't offer you fulfillment of your wishes. I can however, ask you if you could know the answer to three questions that would bring about a change in your life to have more peace, what would your three questions be?

Some things to consider...
What takes from your peace? What would you like to change about yourself the most? What would you like to change about your life the most? What do you perceive a state of peace to be?

What would your three questions be?
Please feel free to either comment here or email me personally.


Anonymous said...

How do i know if i'm spiritual or not? What signs can i look for to identify my spirituality and how do i enhance and control it?

EmbracingYOU said...

Blessings to you. In answer to your question and always the answers are open for further discussion, we all have the essence of spirit within therefore we are always spiritual. Spirit is love, therefore anything that brings you to love is your spirituality. Only the ego knows fear, which causes hatred and sadness, etc. The spiritual being we are just doesn’t recognize anything but love; within spirit we see all things as being loving. Loving spirit doesn’t need to be controlled, and we can only ever enhance ourselves as our spirit itself is fully enhanced. We can however, align ourselves more with our spirit through meditation, and stillness, which quiets the chatter/clutter and busyness of the mind enabling the peace within the space of spirit. The more we practice stillness and quieting the ongoing thoughts that clutter our mind, the more we expand and grow to become at one with our spirit. The spirit of ourselves is not a separate entity to us, it is us. It is who we are. All else is simply a shadow that hides our spirit. All we need do is know that even when a cloud is masking the sun, the sun is still shining regardless of how many clouds there are, just like our spirit is still loving regardless of whether we perceive it or not. So it’s not the spirit that needs to be enhanced or controlled, it is simply that we need to recognize the ego and the little journey it takes us on which leads us away from our spirit. It does this by keeping us caged in fear. For example, we are afraid others won’t like us, we’re afraid of failing, we’re afraid not being good enough in others eyes. We are scared to death that others won’t love us. And this is the biggest hold ego has upon us. Yet, who is it that is being unloving towards us and not loving us but ourselves through our ego. We are not good enough simply because our ego tells us we’re not. We’re failing because that’s the story our ego tells us.
This is what Embracing YOU is all about. Try telling yourself a different story, I am good, I am beautiful, I am loved and loving. I can love myself because I am worthy of being loved. I am perfect in every way and I am the very essence of love. You are perfect and you are worthy way beyond what only the ego perceives as imperfect. There is no imperfection in love. Embrace yourself in love from within and you will know there is nothing that can take love from you because love is who you are.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Margerate,
Love your site, a little to much pink for me lol but its great none the less,
Three questions huh....
1. I met this guy one night who was happily married with kids, he moved to Australia from South Africa, he had seen some hardship and suffering and asked me what do i believe in because he was struggling with his concious about not being able to do anything about all the wrong in the world. I suggested that he just enjoy his life and try to surround himself and his family with good people and to focus on good things only and not worry about the bad things that he cant change, but if he does happen to find himself in a position to fix something then do it, until then dont worry about it, further discussion came about and the worry he had for his kids future with all the violence and drugs and such in the world, I could only offer the advice that he choose who his kids hang around until they are old enough to make these choices for themselves, and when they might be old enough to get into bad situations to educate them so they are fore armed, ie on topics like drugs. Not sure if i said the right things or not but he seemed to go away a bit happier, what would you have said in this situation?
2.I met this other guy, He had been happily married to his child hood sweetheart for fourty years when she died in a car crash, So even when we survive the statistics of two thirds of marriages end in devorce our relationships are still going to end! So are we to enter into relationships with the thinking that it will end, how can there be any commitment in that? So all these people having casual flings might be the ones who have got it right?
In my last relationship we commited ourselves to each other in this life and the next ones aswell, as we felt we had been together previously and felt so strongly for each other, but then we didnt last much more than three years together
3 I will finish on a lighter note, i dont prescirbe to any one religion, i believe in god and his many aspects, I chant Krisna, i read in one of the krisna books that the word Krisna can be replaced with the greek or latin word Christos (which means christ) So the chant becomes Hare Christos Hare Christos, Christos christos Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, I was just wondering if you or anyone you know might know a different word to use instead of Rama, i know Rama is just another aspect of god so you could use Christos for that aswell but it gets a little repetative lol
Cheers N

EmbracingYOU said...

Lovely to hear from you N. In response to your first question, I couldn’t agree more with how you advised him. I am always reminded of The Serenity Prayer in these discussions. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” As parents it’s our role to give guidance and direction to our children. We can’t change the world for them but we can help change the way the world is perceived and the way we perceive the world to be. If our attention is focused on all the negative aspects of the world as we perceive it, we miss all the beautiful things the world and its people have to offer. If we truly believe that we are eternal beings we have nothing to fear of the passing of our physical body, yet it is that very fear which prevents us from truly enjoying life. This is the journey of a lifetime, we make it what it is and we can choose to enjoy the experience life itself offers us. Our hardships are not negative experiences; we beget wisdom from all experience; Learn to love the experience and we learn how to truly love.
2. It is only our perspective that relationships end. We have to develop a relationship with spirit/soul self before we can truly know our relationships with others. Going within and allowing the relationship with spirit to develop, enables us to know our true relationship with God/Source/Universe/Creator. We are ONE with God and each other, not singular beings. We are ALL parts of the WHOLE. When we develop relationships as ONE WHOLE, rather than singular entities/beings, we recognize the God-ness in all. We are infinite beings, yet our life here in the material/physical form must end, therefore at some point the relationships we’ve formed with the material being must end. Relationships can only end on a physical level as we are always in a relationship with others and God when in spirit; It is an eternal soul relationship, not with one other, but all others as one. It is when we recognize this relationship that we allow our relationships to develop on a spiritual level rather than physical. We are no longer afraid of death either physically or of a relationship in its ending because we know our infinite relationship.
3. We are acknowledging spirit/God when we chant and as God doesn’t have a religion, chanting specific words is not necessarily ‘religious’. Through the use of mantra’s, we are raising our consciousness level to be more aligned with higher consciousness. During the mantra we need to have our intent clear. Chanting and allowing the long vibration of ‘Om’ to be sustained on its own with the intent to heal is very powerful. We can change the intent to be one of peace, harmony, wellbeing and chanting Om will allow us to feel that. In changing the Hare Krishna mantra means the vibration of the chant itself changes unless you can find names/words that give off the same vibration when chanted. Keep in mind though that using the names given by others does not mean religious intent.