Monday, July 20, 2009

The presence within...

Within each of us is the essence of true life itself. The inner being that draws us to knowing there is more, to seeking out who we are and our purpose. It is the calling we have that attracts us to begin our journey to the very source of ourselves. The true spirit that is present within us, as us, always. This presence within, is the part of us that is God, God-like and draws us to finding our way home to our inner self, Him. The part of us that knows all there is to know, that harbours God in our spiritual connection; the eternal, infinite, ever loving soul of truth, of love. It is never wandering, seeking, or yearning but the essence of infinite life. The self within that enables us to be the God given true personality of our eternal, infinite self. It is the very part of us that awakens us to our intuition, the knowing feelings of truth. It is the ‘I’ that never loses sight of the connection to all, the love of all, the truth. What we simply need to remember and realise is that when seeking the greater part of ourselves, in our search for God/Creator, truth and love, all we need do is look within, as it is within that we find love. Who we are, is love. There is nothing more or nothing less. We are born of love through the creator spirit and are therefore this love. It is all we are. Love is not on the outside of us, nor cannot it be found in another or be given by or to another. We simply are of love and see this same love in others. When we feel love we are the reflection of this inborn love in each other.


Anonymous said...

I've been told that there is no right or wrong decisions in life then how do you know you are spiritually making the right decision for your own life to be complete?

EmbracingYOU said...

Blessings, Trish. Thank you for the opportunity to answer your question. The statement ‘there is no right or wrong’ reflects the very presence of spirit. We are all here having an experience of experiencing life itself. If we were to place ‘right or wrong’ on experiencing life itself we’d not be able to experience as we do. We learn through experience, we reach a higher concept of ourselves and we bring ourselves to wisdom through that very experience. What may seem right for one, may be very wrong for another, yet does that make it either right or wrong? Stealing may be wrong for you but you may not see it as wrong for a starving child to steal bread in order to survive? What makes it wrong for you and right for the starving child? Therefore is stealing wrong or even right for that matter? It depends on which eye we are looking at it through. In the eyes of justification we look at either side and make a judgment on it as to whether it’s right or wrong, and can only determine an answer depending on the situation at the time. However, if we were within another’s experience we may determine the answer very differently.
Spirit is balanced therefore beyond taking sides of right or wrong. Spirit accepts and allows for experience without judgment. When there is only love there simply can’t be right or wrong. For personal experience to know what is a better why for you to make decisions is to bring love into every decision you make. An example is, that if it felt ‘wrong’ for you to be unkind towards someone, you can know that your spirit is showing you that unkindness to others means you are being unkind to yourself. Is it love and kindness to ourselves or others, to continually allow someone else to be unkind and unloving towards us. It is a lot more loving to say no to someone and invite them to be more loving, than to allow the unkindness to yourself to continue. Otherwise both are inviting unkindness into the experience rather than love.
Acceptance and allowance for others simply means allowing them to have the freedom to choose what they want, it doesn’t mean they have to choose the same way as you, or you the same way as them. By accepting others as they are, means that you are not choosing to make them wrong, just recognizing what it better for you and more aligned with the spirit of love for yourself. You can always know a better decision for yourself by what makes you feel more complete in love rather than incomplete in judgment.

EmbracingYOU said...

I have Youtube searches available for your use at the top of my page. Type into the search bar: The most profound question and press search. Click on the video Profound Questions are answered by 'NOW. which will give you more insight into how to make decisions. All the videos are worth watching however, I particularly like the Abraham one. :-)