Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tracy's first question via email

Tracy asks:
1. How do I know when I am getting guidance from my higher self / intuition / god (whatever label people put on it) as opposed to my mind / ego thinking, pushing?

Hi Tracey. Blessings. Thank you for you post. In answer and open for discussion: When the mind is perfectly still and quietness takes over, there is no mistaking true guidance. Taking the moment to be still so the thinking processes and thoughts are stilled, allows the truth to come through. Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting in the lotus position, chanting mantras. Meditation can be as simple as sitting in stillness in the quiet peace of the mind and just breathing and taking notice of your breath. If you want to know the answer to something you need to stop the thinking process, be still, ask the question and then sit in perfect stillness, silence. You will know the truth and difference between the ego and the truth the more you quiet the mind and practice stillness. This not only teaches you more of yourself but also where you can trust yourself.

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