Saturday, July 11, 2009

Beyond Perception – Stepping Into True Reality.

Sufferance or Peace.
Suffering is a state of mind – So too is peace of state of mind. Which do you choose to be your state of mind?
Experience has taught us that there is much sufferance and suffering in our lives. We look at the world as a whole and we see the suffering others endure, we see the suffering of the needy, the hungry, the parched. We see suffering in the war torn and in natural disasters. We see suffering in the lives of those in our own communities and in our own lives. Yet what is suffering and where does it stem from? We ask the question how can God allow so much pain in the world? What cruel tempt of fate is it that mankind must suffer as he does?
I ask you to change that question when the thought arises and ask it a little differently. Could the question not be better posed if we were to ask: Why do I choose to make suffering my perception? What purpose do I perform in thinking the thought, that mankind must suffer? What intention do I give and set myself to, if I perceive myself as living in sufferance and pain? What thoughts do I give my attention to?
It is only a thought, and when I give meaning to the thought I make it real and it becomes my reality.
If I were to simply change the thoughts I give meaning to, and use my free will to surrender the perception of suffering, I would therefore not have the perception that suffering is the reality. If I give my attention to the purpose of having the freedom to love I change my perception of reality.
The choice is ours to make. When we purposely make the choice to free ourselves from pain and suffering by surrendering our perceived need to have such in our lives, peace becomes our reality. There is no conflict in the mind in peace. Therefore is peace not a truer perception.


Anonymous said...

I believe there are good and evil spirits as it balances out the spiritual world, i believe they make life altering decisions. Can i find what spirits are surround me? Both good and evil and embrace the good spirits to receive a good and healthy life style for my self and my family?

EmbracingYOU said...

Great question Adam! You actually have the answer from the way you’ve worded the question itself and I’ll just show you where that is. Let’s take a look at good and evil to start with. There are two sides to everything in duality. The key you’ve hit upon is balance! When we balance everything there is no longer duality – what was perceived as good becomes love, what was perceived as evil becomes love; balance. Imagine a set of scales with evil on one side and good on the other. Love is at the center. Let’s look at what love in the center of balance is. Things we perceive as being evil aren’t necessarily evil. For example anger can be perceived as evil, yet the emotion of anger only becomes an evil if we allow it to grow into more than it is ie. Tip the scale so it becomes aggression. Anger itself is harmless. Anger can actual be inspiring, in that it brings us to taking action we wouldn’t normally have taken – for example if someone attacked your young child, would you not get angry and take action to remove your child from the situation, therefore the anger is only born out of love. If you attacked in return and allowed the anger to become volatile or spent days broiling over the incident not being able to move on from it, it is then that you tip the scales and become out of balance. We can look at loving someone in the same way. The scales can be tipped in the other direction as well when we leave love and become obsessive about someone or so attached to them that we want to control them and take their freedom. We’ve lost our balance.
There is nothing external from you – everything emanates from within. Spirit is within. The world is not external to you, your world is within you. So you need to look at what you place into your world to make it a better place to reside in, within. You are your world and within your world is exactly what you put into it. Give it joy, it becomes joyful. Give it peace, it becomes peaceful. Give it love, it becomes love. Nothing external to you can decide for you or alter you in anyway. There is nothing controlling you, but you. There are no forces that take away your free will, or the will of God which is love. It is God’s will that we have the free will to choose. God is the highest power and nothing else has the power to ever take from that. You have the choice always to find the balance in every experience; to either bring it to be a loving one, or immerse yourself at the contrasting ends of the scale. Embrace the good spirit at the center of balance and this is who you are. This is what allows you and your family a good and happy life.