Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Life as a tree....

We will always continue to expand and grow furthermore regardless of where we are, even beyond this physical realm. God himself is experiencing growth and expansion through us, for if God is infinite God therefore must also have no limitations to growth. The journey is not about finding a place where we are no longer growing, because if that were the case we would not be eternal, for when something no longer grows it becomes dead. We can liken ourselves to life as a tree. A tree may reach its potential height but it never stops growing. Each season brings about change and new growth in the tree – the felling of its old limbs, the dead leaves fall away, new roots expand its structure, new branches and leaves replace the old and it becomes more beautiful the older it gets. It sprouts seeds upon its branches that float or get carried away by birds and become planted in new destinations so the tree itself gives new life to others by the seeds it plants. Nothing ever reaches its full potential! Thank God!!! For how limiting would it be to only be able to reach a certain point and then stop growing?!!! We think at times that we haven’t grown because ‘problems’ still arise, but they are simply challenges for our further expansion and experience, and expression. We step aside the emotions of these experiences and see how wonderful it is in each and every experience. Life is about experiencing life itself and finding joy in the experience. Just like a tree we grow, we change, we expand, and we have days where we need to brace ourselves in the wind and days where we rest in the sun. We may have reached our physical height but never our full potential. Flow with life and let life flow with you, just like the tree sways in the breeze so to can you, flow with the breeze in your experience. If a trees roots are strong enough even a storm can’t tear it from the ground. It may lose branches but it regrows and renews itself. You have the potential of continual renewal. It is only shallow roots that will cause you to fall in a storm. Grow your roots strong, plant them by deeply immersing yourself in the love of life itself and hence you become the life of love.