Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Life as a tree....
We will always continue to expand and grow furthermore regardless of where we are, even beyond this physical realm. God himself is experiencing growth and expansion through us, for if God is infinite God therefore must also have no limitations to growth. The journey is not about finding a place where we are no longer growing, because if that were the case we would not be eternal, for when something no longer grows it becomes dead. We can liken ourselves to life as a tree. A tree may reach its potential height but it never stops growing. Each season brings about change and new growth in the tree – the felling of its old limbs, the dead leaves fall away, new roots expand its structure, new branches and leaves replace the old and it becomes more beautiful the older it gets. It sprouts seeds upon its branches that float or get carried away by birds and become planted in new destinations so the tree itself gives new life to others by the seeds it plants. Nothing ever reaches its full potential! Thank God!!! For how limiting would it be to only be able to reach a certain point and then stop growing?!!! We think at times that we haven’t grown because ‘problems’ still arise, but they are simply challenges for our further expansion and experience, and expression. We step aside the emotions of these experiences and see how wonderful it is in each and every experience. Life is about experiencing life itself and finding joy in the experience. Just like a tree we grow, we change, we expand, and we have days where we need to brace ourselves in the wind and days where we rest in the sun. We may have reached our physical height but never our full potential. Flow with life and let life flow with you, just like the tree sways in the breeze so to can you, flow with the breeze in your experience. If a trees roots are strong enough even a storm can’t tear it from the ground. It may lose branches but it regrows and renews itself. You have the potential of continual renewal. It is only shallow roots that will cause you to fall in a storm. Grow your roots strong, plant them by deeply immersing yourself in the love of life itself and hence you become the life of love.
Monday, July 20, 2009
The presence within...
Within each of us is the essence of true life itself. The inner being that draws us to knowing there is more, to seeking out who we are and our purpose. It is the calling we have that attracts us to begin our journey to the very source of ourselves. The true spirit that is present within us, as us, always. This presence within, is the part of us that is God, God-like and draws us to finding our way home to our inner self, Him. The part of us that knows all there is to know, that harbours God in our spiritual connection; the eternal, infinite, ever loving soul of truth, of love. It is never wandering, seeking, or yearning but the essence of infinite life. The self within that enables us to be the God given true personality of our eternal, infinite self. It is the very part of us that awakens us to our intuition, the knowing feelings of truth. It is the ‘I’ that never loses sight of the connection to all, the love of all, the truth. What we simply need to remember and realise is that when seeking the greater part of ourselves, in our search for God/Creator, truth and love, all we need do is look within, as it is within that we find love. Who we are, is love. There is nothing more or nothing less. We are born of love through the creator spirit and are therefore this love. It is all we are. Love is not on the outside of us, nor cannot it be found in another or be given by or to another. We simply are of love and see this same love in others. When we feel love we are the reflection of this inborn love in each other.
divine presence,
infinite self,
who we are,
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Beyond Perception – Stepping Into True Reality.
Sufferance or Peace.
Suffering is a state of mind – So too is peace of state of mind. Which do you choose to be your state of mind?
Experience has taught us that there is much sufferance and suffering in our lives. We look at the world as a whole and we see the suffering others endure, we see the suffering of the needy, the hungry, the parched. We see suffering in the war torn and in natural disasters. We see suffering in the lives of those in our own communities and in our own lives. Yet what is suffering and where does it stem from? We ask the question how can God allow so much pain in the world? What cruel tempt of fate is it that mankind must suffer as he does?
I ask you to change that question when the thought arises and ask it a little differently. Could the question not be better posed if we were to ask: Why do I choose to make suffering my perception? What purpose do I perform in thinking the thought, that mankind must suffer? What intention do I give and set myself to, if I perceive myself as living in sufferance and pain? What thoughts do I give my attention to?
It is only a thought, and when I give meaning to the thought I make it real and it becomes my reality.
If I were to simply change the thoughts I give meaning to, and use my free will to surrender the perception of suffering, I would therefore not have the perception that suffering is the reality. If I give my attention to the purpose of having the freedom to love I change my perception of reality.
The choice is ours to make. When we purposely make the choice to free ourselves from pain and suffering by surrendering our perceived need to have such in our lives, peace becomes our reality. There is no conflict in the mind in peace. Therefore is peace not a truer perception.
Suffering is a state of mind – So too is peace of state of mind. Which do you choose to be your state of mind?
Experience has taught us that there is much sufferance and suffering in our lives. We look at the world as a whole and we see the suffering others endure, we see the suffering of the needy, the hungry, the parched. We see suffering in the war torn and in natural disasters. We see suffering in the lives of those in our own communities and in our own lives. Yet what is suffering and where does it stem from? We ask the question how can God allow so much pain in the world? What cruel tempt of fate is it that mankind must suffer as he does?
I ask you to change that question when the thought arises and ask it a little differently. Could the question not be better posed if we were to ask: Why do I choose to make suffering my perception? What purpose do I perform in thinking the thought, that mankind must suffer? What intention do I give and set myself to, if I perceive myself as living in sufferance and pain? What thoughts do I give my attention to?
It is only a thought, and when I give meaning to the thought I make it real and it becomes my reality.
If I were to simply change the thoughts I give meaning to, and use my free will to surrender the perception of suffering, I would therefore not have the perception that suffering is the reality. If I give my attention to the purpose of having the freedom to love I change my perception of reality.
The choice is ours to make. When we purposely make the choice to free ourselves from pain and suffering by surrendering our perceived need to have such in our lives, peace becomes our reality. There is no conflict in the mind in peace. Therefore is peace not a truer perception.
Beyond perception,
Finding peace,
state of mind,
true reality
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tracy's third question via email:
3. Why do we have chemistry / connection with some people and not others? What is the purpose of people coming into our lives?
Answer, for discussion: On a base level we are drawn to others by the chemical makeup in our scent. This can become confused due to the use of perfumes, deodorants and shower gels etc disguising our natural scent beneath these added scents. It’s a natural instinct of humans just like any animal, to be drawn to someone’s scent.
On a spiritual level we are all teachers/students of each other and each allowing the flow of giving and receiving; a shared teaching/learning experience. Everyone in your experience has something to teach you. Appreciating the value in all others allows us to expand ourselves, to expand our field of love, to grow alongside and with others. To exclude no one as no one is excluded, all are inclusive of this process, is what allows us to learn and grow completely. Every relationship has the opportunity to become a Holy/Whole relationship. Whether that be passing someone in the street and offering a smile, a relationship with a shop keeper or a more long term relationship. The shared teaching may not even seem like a friendly relationship but it is a relationship non the less. It’s my opinion that when the feelings of a connection are involved these are relationships that have a deeper involvement in the learning experience. For example: You may have asked to be shown how you can overcome a fear of a particular experience or mind pattern. These people who present themselves to you with you having that feeling of having known them, or being drawn to them in some way, is because you have asked to meet them, and it is the recognition of these teachers that feels like an ultimate connection – because basically they are given in order for you to be shown.
Answer, for discussion: On a base level we are drawn to others by the chemical makeup in our scent. This can become confused due to the use of perfumes, deodorants and shower gels etc disguising our natural scent beneath these added scents. It’s a natural instinct of humans just like any animal, to be drawn to someone’s scent.
On a spiritual level we are all teachers/students of each other and each allowing the flow of giving and receiving; a shared teaching/learning experience. Everyone in your experience has something to teach you. Appreciating the value in all others allows us to expand ourselves, to expand our field of love, to grow alongside and with others. To exclude no one as no one is excluded, all are inclusive of this process, is what allows us to learn and grow completely. Every relationship has the opportunity to become a Holy/Whole relationship. Whether that be passing someone in the street and offering a smile, a relationship with a shop keeper or a more long term relationship. The shared teaching may not even seem like a friendly relationship but it is a relationship non the less. It’s my opinion that when the feelings of a connection are involved these are relationships that have a deeper involvement in the learning experience. For example: You may have asked to be shown how you can overcome a fear of a particular experience or mind pattern. These people who present themselves to you with you having that feeling of having known them, or being drawn to them in some way, is because you have asked to meet them, and it is the recognition of these teachers that feels like an ultimate connection – because basically they are given in order for you to be shown.
chemistry and connection,
Tracy's second question via email:
Tracy asks:
2. How much of my physicality can be changed / healed and how much is created by me? E.g. If I am allergic to something, is this purely physical, or is this something I create from a drama or experience in my life?
Answer, for discussion: We know that belief creates. However we must also consider the fact of the needs of the body to perform its job properly. If one is to have a diet of beer and chips that body by its very design, is not going to be in optimal health. Taking that into consideration as well, one who lives on a diet of beer and chips is not mentally in optimal health either. All things can be healed, it just depends on your perception of what healing is. Allergies are usually brought about by the person rejecting themselves in what they are experiencing. It manifests in the body with signs of irritation. The more one rejects themselves through the experience the more aggravated the allergy becomes. We often resist what we’re being shown thinking we need to overcome the allergy itself, ie, we see the allergic reaction as a fault/flaw, yet the allergy is not what needs to be healed. It’s the self rejection in the experience that needs to be healed. You can take medication to help the symptoms but real healing takes place on a much deeper level. All has to be done in a balanced manner to align mind, body and soul. Healing the physical without having healed the dis/ease of the mind means it will re-manifest itself again because the alignment and balance is out of place. If one has lost his physical legs and yet doesn’t see it as a handicap he is balanced. Being in balance won’t grow his legs back, but he is aware he doesn’t need them to be happy with himself / within himself; he’s not rejecting the experience, he’s loving and embracing himself within it.
2. How much of my physicality can be changed / healed and how much is created by me? E.g. If I am allergic to something, is this purely physical, or is this something I create from a drama or experience in my life?
Answer, for discussion: We know that belief creates. However we must also consider the fact of the needs of the body to perform its job properly. If one is to have a diet of beer and chips that body by its very design, is not going to be in optimal health. Taking that into consideration as well, one who lives on a diet of beer and chips is not mentally in optimal health either. All things can be healed, it just depends on your perception of what healing is. Allergies are usually brought about by the person rejecting themselves in what they are experiencing. It manifests in the body with signs of irritation. The more one rejects themselves through the experience the more aggravated the allergy becomes. We often resist what we’re being shown thinking we need to overcome the allergy itself, ie, we see the allergic reaction as a fault/flaw, yet the allergy is not what needs to be healed. It’s the self rejection in the experience that needs to be healed. You can take medication to help the symptoms but real healing takes place on a much deeper level. All has to be done in a balanced manner to align mind, body and soul. Healing the physical without having healed the dis/ease of the mind means it will re-manifest itself again because the alignment and balance is out of place. If one has lost his physical legs and yet doesn’t see it as a handicap he is balanced. Being in balance won’t grow his legs back, but he is aware he doesn’t need them to be happy with himself / within himself; he’s not rejecting the experience, he’s loving and embracing himself within it.
mind body and soul
Tracy's first question via email
Tracy asks:
1. How do I know when I am getting guidance from my higher self / intuition / god (whatever label people put on it) as opposed to my mind / ego thinking, pushing?
Hi Tracey. Blessings. Thank you for you post. In answer and open for discussion: When the mind is perfectly still and quietness takes over, there is no mistaking true guidance. Taking the moment to be still so the thinking processes and thoughts are stilled, allows the truth to come through. Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting in the lotus position, chanting mantras. Meditation can be as simple as sitting in stillness in the quiet peace of the mind and just breathing and taking notice of your breath. If you want to know the answer to something you need to stop the thinking process, be still, ask the question and then sit in perfect stillness, silence. You will know the truth and difference between the ego and the truth the more you quiet the mind and practice stillness. This not only teaches you more of yourself but also where you can trust yourself.
1. How do I know when I am getting guidance from my higher self / intuition / god (whatever label people put on it) as opposed to my mind / ego thinking, pushing?
Hi Tracey. Blessings. Thank you for you post. In answer and open for discussion: When the mind is perfectly still and quietness takes over, there is no mistaking true guidance. Taking the moment to be still so the thinking processes and thoughts are stilled, allows the truth to come through. Meditation doesn’t have to be sitting in the lotus position, chanting mantras. Meditation can be as simple as sitting in stillness in the quiet peace of the mind and just breathing and taking notice of your breath. If you want to know the answer to something you need to stop the thinking process, be still, ask the question and then sit in perfect stillness, silence. You will know the truth and difference between the ego and the truth the more you quiet the mind and practice stillness. This not only teaches you more of yourself but also where you can trust yourself.
Meditation practice,
Monday, July 6, 2009
What answers would help you most?
If a genie were to offer you three wishes and grant them, you would take a moment to reflect on the things that you would wish for, not wanting to waste the opportunity. Unlike the genie, I can't offer you fulfillment of your wishes. I can however, ask you if you could know the answer to three questions that would bring about a change in your life to have more peace, what would your three questions be?
Some things to consider...
What takes from your peace? What would you like to change about yourself the most? What would you like to change about your life the most? What do you perceive a state of peace to be?
What would your three questions be?
Please feel free to either comment here or email me personally.
Some things to consider...
What takes from your peace? What would you like to change about yourself the most? What would you like to change about your life the most? What do you perceive a state of peace to be?
What would your three questions be?
Please feel free to either comment here or email me personally.
The future, the past, the present.
We spend so much time either in the future or the past, so little time on this day, this hour, this minute, this moment. We hold close to ourselves memories of the past including the memory of bad experiences. This state of mind keeps us living in fear and therefore in the state of fight or flight mode. We may have had one bad experience but through keeping the memory of it alive, rather than letting it go and allowing ourselves to have peace, we continue to live it. The experience becomes part of our present in keeping it alive, reliving it, reinventing it, making it our story. Someone may have hurt you once but you hurt yourself again and again by reliving the experience in your mind. It is the past and when you let it go, you also let go the fight or flight mode you've been holding yourself in. You can relax and enjoy life more. You can begin to embrace life and yourself in the present moment. When all we do is look to the future our present passes us by all too quickly and we've missed the moment to enjoy ourselves now. Don't let life pass you by. Enjoy it now for all there is, is now. Embrace you in the moment.
Friday, July 3, 2009
What is your perception of yourself?
Who do you perceive yourself to be?
Ask yourself these questions:
Am I the reflection I see in the mirror? Am I the body I see and feel? Am I the colour of the hair, the character of the face? Am I the skin I'm in?
Am I the name/s given to me? Am I my occupation? Is who I am the sibling/father/mother/aunt/uncle/grandparent/child of 'my' family?
Am I what I see, think and feel?
Am I the emotions I have?
Am I what I do and therefore what I don't do?
I'd love to hear your answers.
Ask yourself these questions:
Am I the reflection I see in the mirror? Am I the body I see and feel? Am I the colour of the hair, the character of the face? Am I the skin I'm in?
Am I the name/s given to me? Am I my occupation? Is who I am the sibling/father/mother/aunt/uncle/grandparent/child of 'my' family?
Am I what I see, think and feel?
Am I the emotions I have?
Am I what I do and therefore what I don't do?
I'd love to hear your answers.
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